Nouvelles / News

Our news are both in French and English only since the start of 2015.
Prior that, our news are exclusively in French.

Ponte de Rhea / Rhea clutch (Uromastyx ornata philbyi)

juillet 26, 2016

*** English version follows ***

Hier, le 25 juillet, Rhea, une nouvelle femelle Uromastyx ornata philbyi chez Élevages Lisard, a pondu 9 oeufs, dont 8 qui semblent fertiles. On se croise les doigts pour l'incubation.


Yesterday, July 25th, Rhea, a new Uromastyx ornata philbyi ffemale here at Elevages Lisard, laid 9 eggs, of which 8 seem fertile. We are crossing fingers for the incubation.


Ponte de Amber / Amber's clutch (Uromastyx ornata philbyi)

mai 4, 2016

*** English version follows ***

Aujourd'hui, Amber (Uromastyx ornata philbyi) a pondu 10 oeufs, dont 9 qui semblent fertiles.
On se croise les doigts pour l'incubation.


Today, Amber (Uromastyx ornata philbyi) has laid 10 eggs, of which 9 seem fertile.
We are crossing fingers for the incubation.


Troisième ponte de Maia / Maia's third clutch (Stellagama stellio salehi)

mai 4, 2016

*** English version follows ***

Hier, Maia à pondu sa troisième ponte de 2016. Résultat: 9 oeufs. Mais ils ne semblent pas fertiles.

Yesterday, Maia laid her third clutch of 2016. The result: 9 eggs. But they don't seem fertile.


Ponte de Cayenne / Cayenne's clutch (Uromastyx geyri)

avril 29, 2016

*** English version follows ***

Aujourd'hui, Cayenne (Uromastyx geyri ) à pondu 10 oeufs et tous étaient fertiles.


Today , Cayenne (Uromastyx geyri) has laid 10 eggs and all were fertile.


Ponte de Honeycomb / Honeycomb's clutch (Uromastyx geyri)

avril 28, 2016

*** English version follows ***

Aujourd'hui, Honeycomb (Uromastyx geyri ) à pondu 11 oeufs, tous fertiles.


Today , Honeycomb (Uromastyx geyri) has laid 11 eggs, all fertile.